How we help

We’re all about our Members

Our Members are our core focus. We are not ‘hard sell’ and we are only interested in talking to leaders who see themselves as learners. If you’ve ‘been there and done that’ we can recommend other organisations. We run regular introduction days where you can meet others like you and experience a ‘live’ meeting. Members are central to our growth; they grow, we grow. It’s a simple equation.

Time on task and structured agendas aim to maximise value. Each Member prepares and presents a board report at each meeting. The report focuses on quarterly project updates, financials tracked against targets and commentary on all aspects of running a business.
Over time the levels of trust in the room go through the roof meaning the chance to connect with the team becomes an unmissable day each month.

What happens during a monthly meeting?

The morning starts with a focus on Growth

When you started your business no one gave you the ‘How to become an awesome business leader’ manual. You occasionally fall over and scuff your knees, dust yourself off and get going again. Do you actually stop to reflect and learn? Do you have people telling you to mind the step? If not, then read on.

Part of each monthly meeting is given over to best business practice led by the Chair and involving members, normally in a workshop format and drawing on the experiences of each member. Having business essential topics covered regularly makes it so much easier.

We don’t profess to know it all, so we invite industry subject matter expert guest speakers when the need arises. Not theorists but entrepreneurs who practice what they preach.

The key objective is everyone leaving each meeting with something valuable in their business ‘kitbag’ to try the next day.

After a coffee we get stuck into reporting and Accountability

We know it’s lonely running a business but it doesn’t have to be. Imagine having a group of likeminded leaders that has got your back and holds you to account each month.

Of all the feedback we get from members about value, accountability and a focus on actions tops the list. We’re not about a talkfest or a monthly social gathering. There’s a time place for that outside meetings. We meet to share what’s happening and get things done. Simple.
Each month board reports are prepared and presented to the group. Reports include quarterly project updates, annual goals, key financials and commentary on what matters.
Action items are tracked in Trello and ticked off as they are completed. We always track based on actions and results.

A quick Zoom check in is held each fortnight to hold each other to account, keep the group connected mid month and offer help if needed.

After lunch it's time to focus on Actions

If members don’t take solid action items away each month, we have missed the mark. They either shouldn’t be with us as they have it all together or we are not digging deep enough to get to the real problems. A worthwhile return on investment is paramount.

As the saying goes, a problem shared is a problem halved. If you’re a human business owner, you are guaranteed to have ideas, questions or problems that burn into your brain and keep you awake at night. Why not drop the niggle in your notebook, get back to sleep and take it to the next board meeting where 8 to 10 experienced heads will get to work on your problem. If the niggle is urgent, we’ll get a focus group together outside of regular meetings to provide the support on the spot.

Members either declare issues prior to meetings or they come out of the monthly reports as they are presented. Either way knowing others are on tap to help is reassuring and stress relieving.

Still not sure?

Join one of our regular introduction days, where you can meet others like you and experience a ‘live’ meeting.

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