Meet the MBT team

Andrew Smith

Founder, myBusinessTeam
Chairs in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane

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Ryan Sharpley

Chairs in Northern NSW

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Caroline Treacy

Chairs in Brisbane

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Paul Kennedy

Business Development

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Martin Jomoa

Chairs in Sydney

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We’re a team of business professionals offering expert guidance backed by our unique leadership experience, capabilities and insight

Andrew Smith

Andrew Smith

Founder, myBusinessTeam
Chairs in Sydney and Brisbane

My business journey so far

Teacher and Mathletics

I am an educator, mentor, and advisor to business. I started my journey as a teacher. Then, in 2005, I took a leap of faith and joined a startup called 3P Learning, the creator of Mathletics. It was a wonderful time and I had the chance to work with and learn from some of the brightest minds. We listed on the ASX in 2014 as what was then the second largest tech float in history. By the time I left in 2016 I was the Australian CEO, leading a team of 60 with Mathletics in over half the country’s schools and commercial relationships established in India, Pakistan, Singapore and Hong Kong.

Advisory Board Member

In 2010 I became a member of an advisory board which, as well as helping me as a leader, opened up a new pathway for my business journey. Along with my own strategic planning and mentoring business, I started chairing boards in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane. That was the time I realised the power of an advisory board. I wanted to create something built on my experience over the years and focused absolutely on helping others.


I founded myBusinessTeam on four pillars. A focus on members, a focus on learning, a focus accountability and a focus on action. The other Chairs and I strive to build each advisory board on these pillars. It’s very simple and incredibly effective.

What am I most proud of in my business journey?

I guess the proudest moment was when I presented the Mathletics story to over 500 business owners and leaders at Microsoft’s Global Education Conference in Seattle. 3P Learning was selected as Global Education Partner of the Year. It wasn’t so much the presentation, but the journey and people behind the story that made it a proud moment. I am also incredibly proud of the fact that we helped switch millions of kids around the world onto enjoying doing some maths.

Why Advisory Boards?

First and foremost, my purpose has always been to help others, whether they be children in a classroom, members of my team or other business owners. I love the relationships that are built over time when chairing and seeing the growth in each business. I’ve seen members at rock bottom being picked up, dusted off and set on the right path in board meetings. The real power is in the collective. A group of people sharing their experiences for the benefit of others and holding each other accountable.

Why join an Advisory Board?

It’s simple. If you’re serious, try it out for yourself, by joining an introductory board day where you’ll meet others like you, share your story and work on ‘live’ issues. After that, the choice is yours.

Being a business owner can be lonely. The journey is easier when following a path well-trodden. Learn from others and build a better business together.

Ryan Sharpley

Chairs in Northern NSW

Business journey so far

Ryan Sharpley is an experienced Professional EOS® Implementer and entrepreneur. He firmly believes that businesses can be used as a vehicle for good, always striving to create solutions with an impact-focused purpose.

Having acquired more than two decades of insight into senior operations and growth strategies, Ryan has developed the ability to turn visions into realities and loves helping people achieve success within their businesses.

Ryan’s qualifications include an Executive MBA from RMIT University, Australia and a Master of Commerce from RMIT University, Australia. He also holds a Mastery of Business and Empathy from Small Giants Academy, Australia.

What am I most proud of in my business journey?

Throughout my business journey, I’m incredibly proud of my progress. One of the core aspects that I’ve continually strived to improve upon is consistently learning – whether through continuous reading and research or taking courses to gain expert-level knowledge.

In addition, I’m pleased to be able to work alongside people who share similar values and goals as me. It allows our collaboration efforts to be more aligned and results in a much smoother workflow.

Finally, my flexibility and ability to adapt have been invaluable. My approach towards problem-solving means adjusting strategies at ease when needed or considering alternative solutions whenever possible. Turning contingencies into opportunities have been another critical success for me professionally.

Why Advisory Boards?

Being the chair of an advisory board allows me to bring together talented individuals from various backgrounds and perspectives. This opens up a wealth of opportunities for collective learning and development, resulting in informed decision-making that is tailored for success. Another reason for wanting to become an advisor is to mentor those who are passionate about their craft and willing to put in the effort to succeed. Lastly, I see it as a way to give back to others, by providing valuable guidance and advice on navigating different business challenges.

What is your purpose as a chair?

As a chair, I aim to provide leadership and strategic guidance to the advisory board. This involves leading discussions, facilitating collaboration between members, and encouraging innovative solutions. I’m also responsible for helping to set clear goals and objectives that will ensure everyone works together towards a common goal. I also strive to create an inclusive and welcoming environment where diverse opinions are respected and heard.

What advice would you give someone considering joining an advisory board?

Joining an advisory board can be a great way to connect with people who understand the unique challenges of running a business.

Caroline Treacy

Chairs in Brisbane

My business journey so far

Architectural Businesses

My executive experience includes running successful architecture companies as Managing Director for sixteen years, commercialising property/consulting-based companies and achieving significant business success through awards, revenue growth with improving profits. I specialised in the provision of design and construction procurement services to aged care, housing and social infrastructure providers. Significant growth and execution strategies have included the purchase and integration of other entities, executive and shareholder succession and employee share planning. I also run our own family development business and am managing the build process for four separate properties plus our recently finished office fitout in Spring Hill.

Focussed Leadership

My business journey has been around consistent, hard work and focussed leadership both internally and with various entities as both an advocate and a NED – almost from the time I started working professionally. I have a multifaceted expertise in contract procurement, corporate management, and client delivery – as well as a broad and strategic side in corporate growth and good governance. In early days, this approach resulted in professional project delivery and high levels of client satisfaction, and I was valued sufficiently to reach management levels quickly. As a more experienced executive however, my drive to make a difference has had to pave its own way through corporate ownership and Directorship, especially as a female if the very male-dominated construction industry at the executive level. My training is in commercial architecture and project management. My historical mastery the execution of a strategic approach to corporate financially sustainability, specifically in professional consulting services. I have focussed historically on:

  • Increasing the efficiency of building construction, operation and asset management
  • Appropriate accommodation of the aged and socially dependent
  • Non-traditional collaboration, procurement and detailed execution
  • An attention to detail and contract diligence to drive teams to absolute success, to tackle potential issues before they become problematic
  • Efficient and collaborative procurement at every level of projects and a detailed understanding of contracts and construction stage execution

Passion and Drive

My stakeholder liaison and procurement experience of 32 years has led to a passion and drive for maximising the advantages of available information technology, excellent communication and a strong commercial expertise. With high-level experience in project management and design delivery at leadership level, I also have a drive for effective business development and a well-developed network with the private, not-for-profit and public sectors.

What am I most proud of in my business journey?

I would have to say the continued successful balance of professional and personal life throughout my career. Other highlights professionally have been:

  • The growth of Core Architecture from 6 people and one office in 2001, to 60 people and 4 offices in 2010, with immense profitability growth from break-even upwards over that time. As Managing Director my Business Development focus, strategic planning and corporate growth execution approach was the basis for our continued success, also personally securing 90-95% of our revenue for the 2009/10 financial year.
  • As a National and State Non-Executive Director for YWCA for 8 years, and Chair of the Property Assets Committee for YWCA Qld for 7, we achieved a greatly improved asset position in Queensland, reducing risk through detailed and active input. Over my first year in this role, I was responsible for improving the property asset position by at least $3M, with the sale of one building, purchase of another and the upgraded asset value of a Toowoomba owned property, as well as its reduced occupational risk and WHS liability to the Directors and Executives.

Why I chair an Advisory Board?

I am at a point in my career whereby my significant first-hand skills and experience are well-utilised for more specific corporate support and mentoring demands than single architecture companies or NED Board roles can provide. I have also engaged closely with mentors, chairs, corporate boards and advisory boards myself. I have significantly benefitted from these experiences, particularly where able to share challenges and successes with colleagues who have had real-world experience as Managing Directors and their openness to listening and learning is similar to mine.

What is your purpose as a chair?

Facilitation, guidance and support.

What advice would you give someone considering joining an advisory board?

Bring your ears, do your homework, support others (including their communication technique), and be open to the group with your own challenges and their feedback. Keep in mind that running your specific business in your own sector is less different than the same.

Paul Kennedy

Paul Kennedy

Business Development

My business journey so far

Corporate Sector

The first part of my career was in the corporate sector (accountant by qualification, I’ve held senior accounting, CFO, strategic planning, marketing, business development, general management & director roles).

Experience and Network

Since 2008 I’ve run my own strategic planning and business development firm, PGV Consulting (PGV stands for Planning – Growth – Value).

I help businesses to grow their business successfully and profitably. I do this through strategic planning, business development, business coaching & mentoring, and by identifying, knowing and introducing my clients to their ideal clients.

PGV Consulting

I believe it’s imperative that every business has a Vision and a Plan with Strategies and Actions for achieving their Vision – they then need to Execute their Plan by working both Hard and Smart.

At PGV Consulting our clients are primarily professional service firms, SMEs, business owners and the self-employed, generally in Australia or New Zealand.

What am I most proud of in my business journey?

Simon Sinek suggests we should Start with Why. My Why is I genuinely enjoy helping people and businesses set and achieve their goals and this is what I’m most proud of.

Why Advisory Boards?

My personal driving principles align with those of myBusinessTeam – we Focus on Members, Growth, Action and Accountability.

Martin Jomoa

Chairs in Sydney

My business journey so far


My background is in retail with almost 30 years international experience, in the UK with Arcadia Group, Next and ASOS, and Australia with Woolworths, Apparel and Oroton Groups. Initially in Buying, then Merchandise Management and General Management roles.

Online fashion business

I have leveraged that experience over the last five years in consulting roles with Numensa and The Growth Activists, and added value to the many retail and other industry sector projects I have been involved with, as well co-founding my own online fashion business.

Business Technology

My interest in the technology that drives business has taken me into working with, and advising to fashion technology start-ups, as the SME and then COO with a fashion digital technology platform, consulted to a Spanish inventory management business, and I am Board Advisory to a sustainable fashion rental business.

What am I most proud of in my business journey?

When I look back on my journey so far I would say I am proud of my ability to take opportunities and be adaptable. From an early age I have always tried to seek out and enjoy what I do, that way it does not feel like work. I have been extremely blessed to have had the career I have had in fashion and business, it has allowed me to travel, move to Australia and learn from amazing people. I am always looking forward to the next episode.

How does the Advisory Board work?

The best analogy I can think of as to how the advisory board works is when I was training for my first triathlon many years ago, having only recently learned to swim. A friend I was working with, invited me to train with him in a group a couple of times a week. We would push, support and laugh together, but we always held each other to account, and all entered and finished the triathlon. The advisory board gives members that focus and accountability on the equivalent of dark, rainy cold mornings when the bed is warm.

Why do you chair an Advisory Board?

My role as a chair is to listen and encourage. I am blown away with the shared honesty and support the board members give each other, the most important thing is for them and their businesses to grow to their full potential.

What is your purpose as a chair?

The most important thing is a focus on the members, for them to grow their businesses, being supported to take the right actions, and being held to account by the group.

What advice would you give someone considering joining an Advisory Board?

For anyone involved in the day-to -day of running a business, the advisory board is an opportunity to build a connection with people who are, or have been, going through exactly what you are going through. A group of your peers, who know the pressures, problems and pleasures, and are willing to share and support each other.

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